Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So Fast!

"So Fast!" This is what Cal says to me as he runs by me. "Look mom! I'm SO FAST!" Now I am thinking not only does he run fast but he grows "so fast" too! Just two years ago I lead him out on his first Halloween through the neighborhood to get candy. We went to four houses and had almost a full bucket (they were really generous neighbors or did their hearts melt like mine on how cute that kid was? Either way we got a lot of candy!). The bucket was almost as big as him and I ate most of his candy (yum for me!). I remember bursting with pride of how cute my little cowboy was (apparently it has always been my dream to have kids that dress up!). :) This year we have a few Halloween celebrations to attend and he is going to be something different to each one. Which is funny since we had to try on the costume a few times before he would keep it on without crying that first year. Now my little boy is three and tells me he is my big boy. Things are changing SO FAST! A couple of years ago he didn't really know what candy was and this year mama will have to ask if she wants some! Here's that little cowboy in 2006... I'll post later this week on 2008!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Not so crafty me and crayon eating kid!

So, I was inspired by other blogs and crafty sites but craftiness is not my thing. I like practical crafts that are done in less than a hour. Don't get me wrong, I do love to sew and I am working on knitting but I want something I can use at the end. But I thought it would be some developmental skill Cal should learn. Since coloring isn't going so well I wanted Cal to move beyond his love of cutting (scissors, paper and a huge mess). I got out paints and crayons and paper and Cal and I were off! Finger painting with a one year old is too messy for indoors so I put Blaise in his high chair and gave him some paper too (but no crayons or paint). Cal and I were so into our craft that we didn't hear the beaver like mauwing that was going on next to us. How a he got a hold of two crayons while being strapped to his chair I do not know but he polished off most of them. I am figuring that they are non-toxic and we will see them again soon! Fun times! It did seem to affect him- AT ALL! I can only imagine what he will be putting into his mouth in the future! The finger painting went well and Cal has a nice piece of art! But just so you know... washable paint doesn't always mean washable!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

We have moved in with a superhero!

We have made the move to SUNNY Richland, WA! I think there has been one day of gloomy weather since we arrived 50 days ago. It has been nice to see the sun again! We are all adjusting and settling into our new place. The boys love the fish tank, the slippery wood floors and the endless supply of grapes growing in the backyard. Calvin has discovered dress up and I think sometimes really thinks that putting a batman mask on makes him really batman. He uses it as an excuse when "batman" hits his brother. It wasn't him, it was batman! Or superman, football guy, a monkey, pirate, cowboy or whatever he thinks he is at the moment. I am now that mom with the kid in goggles and a cape at the grocery store and I have to admit I love it! People look at him and smile. Are they remembering that time in their kids lives or like I was are they looking forward to it! :) I am not sure what superhero this is but it was an active one!