Sunday, November 2, 2008

What we did with our extra hour...

So, the whole time change thing is just not kind to people with small children. An extra hour of sleep for some people, those of us with small children have no choice but to be up at 5:30 now instead of 6:30 (my little ones are early birds... they take after their mama). There is just no time change switch for their little bodies. This morning there was lots of coffee and "fun breakfast"! We made a puffed pancake (I think I got the recipe from Real Simple) and enjoyed the extra hour with Daddy. It was fun but I am still not a fan of the whole time change kid combo!

1 comment:

Jessica Stone said...

oh, i love to make those! with blueberries coated in cinnamon sugar on top. only the blueberries roll off on your plate, but they are so good with it! yum!